728x90 구슬쌤영어1 구슬쌤과 함께 하는 영어공부 (drag into, I've got my hands full, I don't see the point) 구슬쌤과 함께 하는 영어공부 (drag into, I've got my hands full, I don't see the point) 1. drag into 2. I've got my hands full 3. I don't see the point 1. drag into (힘들고 복잡하거나 상관없는 일에)-를 끌어들이다 * Collins 사전: To drag something or someone into an event or situation means to involve them in it when it is not necessary or not desirable. ** drag on : (너무 오랫동안) 질질 끌다, 계속 되다( on and on....) Collins 사전: You say that .. 2022. 6. 20. 이전 1 다음 728x90