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구슬쌤 영어공부(leave out, wing it, deliberately)

by HAVELY 2022. 6. 3.
구슬쌤과 함께 하는 영어공부 (초중급이라면 꼭 알아야 할 일상 표현 3개)

1. leave out

2. wing it

3. deliberately




1. Leave out
(포함시키거나 언급하지 않고)~를 빼다/배제시키다

* Macmillan 사전:   

  • to not include someone or something
I wanna make sure I don't leave out anything important, so rather than ad-lib it, let me read these couple of page.

**캣브릿지 사전: ad-lib: to speak in publick without having planned what to say

**accidentally: 뜻하지 않게 / 어쩌다가


  1. I'm sorry. I accidentally left that part out. (그 부분을 의도치 않게(실수로) 빠뜨렸나봐요)
  2. We accidentally left that out of the slide.(발표할때에도 실수로 슬라이드에 넣지 않은..)
  3. Sorry. I left that part out.
  4. Have I left anything out? (미팅중, 강의 중.. 내가 이야기 했는데 뭐 빠뜨린거 있어?
  5. Terry, have I left anything out?
    I just wanted to add one thing.
  6. Nothing's left out. (빠뜨린 거 없어)


2. wing it
즉흥적으로 하다, 준비를 제대로 못했지만 일단 해보다

* Merriam-webster 사전:  to do or try to do something whithout much practice or preparation


  1. I'm just gonna wing it.
  2. Just wing it.
  3. Don't try to wing it.
    They're gonna see right through it. (See through : 간파하다)
  4. You know, in this day and age, you can't wing it.(내 나이 되면 대충 할수 없어)
  5. I have nothing, and I'm just gonna wing it instead.(긴 얘기 하고 싶지 않아 딱히 준비해온 자료는 없다)




3. deliberately
신중하게, 찬찬히, 일부러, 계획적/의도적으로

*옥스포드 사전: consciously and intentionally; on purpose

일부러: On purpose, deliberately


  1. You did that to me deliberately.
  2. Do you think they deliberately left that out?
    (=Do you think they left that out on purpose?)
  3. I don't think it was deliberately left out.
    We were just trying to keep the control flow really clean and simple.
  4. We shouldn't assume he deliberately left out that info.
    I mean, Let's give him the benefit of the doubt. (일부러 그런지 모르니깐 중립적인 입장을 표하자)
Give 대상 the benefit of the doubt
(확실히 모르니 일단) ~를 믿어주다/유리한 쪽으로 좋게 생각해주다


  1. Don't be so critical.
    Give people the benefit of the doubt.
  2. I didn't deliberately hurt his feelings.
  3. You know, I would never, ever hurt you deliberately.
  4. I didn't deliberately miss the appointment.
    Traffic was a nightmare.
I deliberately used that word to get the point across.
내 뜻을 정확하게 표현하기 위해 일루러 그 단어를 쓴거야.
  1. I deliberately used that word.

*Merriam-Webster사전: to make people understand what one is saying

  1. But I think it will get the point across.





1. leave out

    (포함시키거나 언급하지 않고) ~를 빼다/ 배제시키다


2. wing it

    즉흥적으로 하다, 준비를 제대로 못했지만 일단 해보다


3. deliberately

   일부러, 계회적/ 의도적으로


**accidentally: 뜻하지 않게/ 어쩌다가






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